我使用的是STEP7 V5.3 SP2 在组态ET200S(IM151-3 PN)时硬件里没有找到,于是上网下载了ET200s(IM151-3 PN)的GSD文件,但按步骤安装却安装不上 日志如下:
Check of GSD 'D:\Program Files\Siemens\Step7\S7tmp\IM151-3\gsdml-v2.1-siemens-et200s-20070405.xml' fails: errors (6), warnings (0), informations (0)
***** Report - GSD_Error *****
Category: 'TypeSpecific' CheckNumber: '0x0001003A'
LineNumber: '0' LinePosition: '0'
Message: 'The 'MinDeviceInterval' is lower than the lowest value of 'SendClock' list of the 'TimingProperties'!'
SourceXPath: '//DeviceAccessPointItem[@ID = 'DIM 5']/@MinDeviceInterval[. = '8']'
***** Report - GSD_Error *****
Category: 'TypeSpecific' CheckNumber: '0x0001003A'
LineNumber: '0' LinePosition: '0'
Message: 'The 'MinDeviceInterval' is lower than the lowest value of 'SendClock' list of the 'TimingProperties'!'
SourceXPath: '//DeviceAccessPointItem[@ID = 'DIM 6']/@MinDeviceInterval[. = '8']'
***** Report - GSD_Error *****
Category: 'TypeSpecific' CheckNumber: '0x0001003A'
LineNumber: '0' LinePosition: '0'
Message: 'The 'MinDeviceInterval' is lower than the lowest value of 'SendClock' list of the 'TimingProperties'!'
SourceXPath: '//DeviceAccessPointItem[@ID = 'DIM 7']/@MinDeviceInterval[. = '8']'
***** Report - GSD_Error *****
Category: 'TypeSpecific' CheckNumber: '0x0001003A'
LineNumber: '0' LinePosition: '0'
Message: 'The 'MinDeviceInterval' is lower than the lowest value of 'SendClock' list of the 'TimingProperties'!'
SourceXPath: '//DeviceAccessPointItem[@ID = 'DIM 9']/@MinDeviceInterval[. = '8']'
***** Report - GSD_Error *****
Category: 'TypeSpecific' CheckNumber: '0x0001003A'
LineNumber: '0' LinePosition: '0'
Message: 'The 'MinDeviceInterval' is lower than the lowest value of 'SendClock' list of the 'TimingProperties'!'
SourceXPath: '//DeviceAccessPointItem[@ID = 'DIM 10']/@MinDeviceInterval[. = '8']'
***** Report - GSD_Error *****
Category: 'TypeSpecific' CheckNumber: '0x0001003A'
LineNumber: '0' LinePosition: '0'
Message: 'The 'MinDeviceInterval' is lower than the lowest value of 'SendClock' list of the 'TimingProperties'!'
SourceXPath: '//DeviceAccessPointItem[@ID = 'DIM 11']/@MinDeviceInterval[. = '8']'
我已经下载了好几遍GSD文件了 都是一样的情况
你需要更新你的Step7版本 最好是5.4+SP1
谢谢 安装了5.4 版本的 可以使用了