SIMOCODE ES V14(TIA Portal)使用路由功能的要求Requirements for using the routing function with SIMOCODE ES V14 (TIA Portal)


使用SIMOCODE ES V14 (TIA Portal)路由功能的要求有哪些?

What are the requirements for using the routing function with SIMOCODE ES V14 (TIA Portal)?


SIMOCODE ES V14 (TIA Portal) 路由功能可以将SIMOCODE pro设备通过PROFIBUS DP或 PROFINET连接到SIMATIC S7上,并从一个中央工程师站用SIMOCODE ES V14 Premium在不同的网络下进行组态调试。

With the help of the routing function of SIMOCODE ES V14, it is possible configure and commission SIMOCODE prodevices that are coected to SIMATIC S7 via PROFIBUS DP or PROFINET, and to do so across different network configurations from a central engineering station with SIMOCODE ES V14 Premium.

SIMOCODE ES V14(TIA Portal)使用路由功能的要求Requirements for using the routing function with SIMOCODE ES V14 (TIA Portal)

工程师站的连接Coection of the engineering station

SIMOCODE ES V14 Premium 工程师站必须连接到支持“路由”的SIMATIC S7模块。此外,所有参与路由的SIMATIC S7模块也都必须支持“路由”。

The engineering station with SIMOCODE ES V14 Premium must be coected to a SIMATIC S7 module that supports "routing". Furthermore, all SIMATIC S7 modules involved in routing must also support "routing".


想要通过路由功能访问PROFIBUS DP连接的SIMOCODE pro 设备,那么SIMOCODE pro设备必须要连接到一个支持“数据记录路由”(数据记录网关)功能的SIMATIC S7模块,这个模块还必须是SIMOCODE Pro 的DP主站。

For access to SIMOCODE pro devices with PROFIBUS DP coection via routing, the devices must be
coected to one of the following SIMATIC S7 modules that support "data record routing" (date record gateway). This module must also be the DP master for SIMOCODE pro.

您可以下列ID中查到支持数据记录路由功能的SIMATIC模块:You can find a list of the SIMATIC modules that support data record routing at

Entry-ID: 7000978
S7-1500的PROFIBUS模块CM1542-5也需要支持这个功能。The PROFIBUS module CM 1542-5 for S7-1500 also supports this function.

目前不支持通过IE/PB Link进行组态 Configurations with the IE/PB Link are ot currently supported.


想要通过路由功能访问PROFINET连接的SIMOCODE pro 设备,那么SIMOCODE pro设备必须要连接到一个支持“路由”功能的SIMATIC S7模块,这个模块还必须是SIMOCODE Pro 的 IO 主站。For access to SIMOCODE prodevices with PROFINET coection via routing, the devices must be coected to SIMATIC S7 modules that support "routing". This modulemust also be the IO controller for SIMOCODE pro.

例外:当S7-300-CP作为IO主站且SIMOCODE pro V PN与之连接时,不支持路由功能。Exception: Routing function for SIMOCODE pro V PN devices coected to aS7-300-CP as IO controller is not supported.

使用SIMOCODE ES V14路由功能的要求

Requirement for using the SIMOCODE ES V14 routing function

  • SIMOCODE ES Premium V14

  • STEP7 V14

  • 设备组态必须编译并下载至SIMATIC S7模块The device configuration must be compiled and loaded on the SIMATIC S7 module

  • PC 带以太网接口 / CP卡(PROFIBUS) PC with Ethernet interface / CP for PROFIBUS


在TIA Portal 项目导航目录中,将SIMOCODE pro设备选择到已建立的网络中。 In the TIA Portal project navigation, select the SIMOCODE pro device to which an online coection is to be established.

SIMOCODE ES V14(TIA Portal)使用路由功能的要求Requirements for using the routing function with SIMOCODE ES V14 (TIA Portal)

1. 选择PG/PC接口类型(Type of the PG/PC interface)

通过连接的工程师站,选择PG/PC接口类型,例如,PROFIBUS / PROFINET。

Select the PG/PC interface type via which the engineering station is coected, e.g. PROFIBUS / PROFINET.

SIMOCODE ES V14(TIA Portal)使用路由功能的要求Requirements for using the routing function with SIMOCODE ES V14 (TIA Portal)

SIMOCODE ES V14(TIA Portal)使用路由功能的要求Requirements for using the routing function with SIMOCODE ES V14 (TIA Portal)

2. 选择PG/PC接口(PG/PC interface)

通过连接的工程师站,选择PG/PC接口,例如,CP5711或以太网 接口。Select the PG/PC interface via which the engineering station is coected, e.g. CP5711 or Ethernet interface.

SIMOCODE ES V14(TIA Portal)使用路由功能的要求Requirements for using the routing function with SIMOCODE ES V14 (TIA Portal)

SIMOCODE ES V14(TIA Portal)使用路由功能的要求Requirements for using the routing function with SIMOCODE ES V14 (TIA Portal)

3. 选择连接到接口/子网络(coectionto interface/subnet)

在已经建立的网络中,选择连接接口或子网络。Select the interface or subnet to which the online function is to be established.

SIMOCODE ES V14(TIA Portal)使用路由功能的要求Requirements for using the routing function with SIMOCODE ES V14 (TIA Portal)

SIMOCODE ES V14(TIA Portal)使用路由功能的要求Requirements for using the routing function with SIMOCODE ES V14 (TIA Portal)

4. “开始搜索”("Start search")并选择设备

点击“开始搜索”("Start search")开始搜索可用的SIMOCODE pro 设备,并选择设备。Start the search for accessible SIMOCODE pro devices with "Start search", and then select the device.

SIMOCODE ES V14(TIA Portal)使用路由功能的要求Requirements for using the routing function with SIMOCODE ES V14 (TIA Portal)

SIMOCODE ES V14(TIA Portal)使用路由功能的要求Requirements for using the routing function with SIMOCODE ES V14 (TIA Portal)

路由到SIMOCODE ES V14 Premium的例子Examples of routing with SIMOCODE ES V14 Premium

下列例子列举了路由功能连接到一个SIMOCODE ES V14例子。连接多个设备的应用与之类似。The figures below show examples of the routing functions with SIMOCODE ES V14 with one gateway, and they also apply analogously for configurations with several gateways.

Ethernet – PROFINET IO: SIMOCODE proV PNto CPU 1512-2 PNSIMOCODE ES V14(TIA Portal)使用路由功能的要求Requirements for using the routing function with SIMOCODE ES V14 (TIA Portal)

Ethernet –PROFINET IO: SIMOCODE proV PNto CM1542-1
SIMOCODE ES V14(TIA Portal)使用路由功能的要求Requirements for using the routing function with SIMOCODE ES V14 (TIA Portal)

Ethernet – PROFIBUS DP: SIMOCODE pro C/S/Vto CPU 300SIMOCODE ES V14(TIA Portal)使用路由功能的要求Requirements for using the routing function with SIMOCODE ES V14 (TIA Portal)

Ethernet – PROFIBUS DP: SIMOCODE pro C/S/Vto CPU 400

SIMOCODE ES V14(TIA Portal)使用路由功能的要求Requirements for using the routing function with SIMOCODE ES V14 (TIA Portal)

PROFIBUS – PROFIBUS DP: SIMOCODE pro C/S/Vto CP 400SIMOCODE ES V14(TIA Portal)使用路由功能的要求Requirements for using the routing function with SIMOCODE ES V14 (TIA Portal)

Ethernet – PROFIBUS DP: SIMOCODE pro C/S/Vto CP 400 SIMOCODE ES V14(TIA Portal)使用路由功能的要求Requirements for using the routing function with SIMOCODE ES V14 (TIA Portal)

Ethernet – PROFIBUS DP: SIMOCODE pro C/S/Vto CPU 1500SIMOCODE ES V14(TIA Portal)使用路由功能的要求Requirements for using the routing function with SIMOCODE ES V14 (TIA Portal)

Ethernet – PROFIBUS DP: SIMOCODE pro C/S/Vto CM 1542-5

SIMOCODE ES V14(TIA Portal)使用路由功能的要求Requirements for using the routing function with SIMOCODE ES V14 (TIA Portal)

SIMOCODE ES V14(TIA Portal)使用路由功能的要求Requirements for using the routing function with SIMOCODE ES V14 (TIA Portal)


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