在生成模板驱动时,如何清除消息“Necessary files are missing for block CH_AI. Please note that you must install exactly that version of the library from which this block was imported”?

在生成模板驱动时,以下的错误信息表明,使用了和软件版本不匹配的库版本,“Necessary files are missing for block CH_AI. Please note that you must install exactly that version of the library from which this block was imported.”。


版本 手册 章 / 节 链接
SIMATIC PCS 7 V6.0 "Software updates without using new functions (PCS 7 V5.x to V6.0)" 4.2 Entry ID: 16518653
SIMATIC PCS 7 V6.1 "Software updates without using new functions (PCS 7 V6.0 to V6.1)" 3.5 Entry ID: 21407325
SIMATIC PCS 7 V7.0 "PCS 7 V7.0 software updates without using new functions(PCS 7 V6.x to V7.0)" 5.4 Entry ID: 24449025
SIMATIC PCS 7 V7.0 SP1 "SIMATIC Process Control System PCS 7 V7.0 SP1 software updates without using new functions (PCS 7 V6.x to V7.0 SP1)" 6.4 Entry ID: 27002507
SIMATIC PCS 7 V7.1 "Software updates without using new functions (PCS 7 V6.x to V7.1)" 5.3 Entry ID: 36191721


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