How many SIWAREX MS may I install into a S7-200 system?


How many SIWAREX MS may I install into a S7-200 system?


SIWAREX MS is an analog expansion module ruing in the SIMATIC S7-200

automation system.

The maximum possible number of SIWAREX MS per rack corresponds with the maximum number of expansion modules of the respective CPU type according to the S7-200 system manual. If the S7-200 system manual allows more than 4 expansion modules for the CPU type, the number of SIWAREX MS modules is limited to 4.

The utilization of other expansion modules can reduce the permitted number of SIWAREX MS.

Check also the current requirements on the expansion bus according to the S7-200 system manual.

It has to be taken in account that the SIWAREX MS modules have to be placed directly behind the CPU and all other modules behind the SIWAREX MS.


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