How do I integrate the old SIWAREX U (7MH4601-1xA01) into the hardware profile of SIMATIC Manager (from V5.4 SP3)?

QUESTION: How do I integrate the old SIWAREX U (7MH4601-1xA01) into the hardware profile of SIMATIC Manager (from V5.4 SP3)?

ANSWER: The SIWAREX U module is integrated with a HSP (hardware support package). Firstly the archive ( 50 KB ) must be unzipped. Secondly it must be installed into the hw-config. The pdf-document ( 217 KB ) describes the installation.

ATTENTION: Please check before the installation in the Windows control panel inside the list of installed software, if there is an entry like „SIMATIC SIWAREX U Vx.x“. If that’s the case, this software must be uninstalled before the installation of the HSP!


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