PLC 通过DP 控制CU320, 370报文控制ALM(INFEED),alm报警号6400,需要调整P3410参数,如何解决?
For p3410 = 1, 3, 4, 5, alarm A06400 is output and designates that the selected identification will take place the next time that the pulses are enabled.
When p3410 = 1 an identification run for the total inductance and DC link capacitance is initiated when the pulses are next enabled. The results are displayed in r3411 and r3412. If a Voltage Sensing Module (VSM) is connected, then the line inductance (r3414) is also measured. The infeed then goes into the ready for switching on state.
For p3410 = 2, the data (r3411, r3412 und r3414) determined during the identification run (p3410 = 1) are transferred
into p3421, p3422 and p3424. The control loop parameters are suitable scaled to achieve a rugged controller setting (p3425); the fast controller response (p3555[2]) and the current actual value smoothing (p3614) are pre-set. Calculations for the controller are then repeated. The user must save the new parameters in a non-volatile fashion in order to permanently select the new controller setting.
When p3410 = 3 an identification run for the inductance and DC link capacitance is initiated when the pulses are next enabled. Data determined during the identification (r3411, r3412, r3414) are used, as described under p3410 =2 for the setting of p3421, p3422, p3424, p3425, p3555 as well as p3614, and the controller is re-calculated. All of the parameters for the infeed module are then automatically stored in a non-volatile memory. The infeed continues to operate without any interruption with the new controller parameters.
When p3410 = 4 an identification run for the inductance and DC link capacitance is initiated when the pulses are next enabled. Data determined during the identification (r3411, r3412, r3414) are used, as described under p3410 = 2 for the setting of p3421, p3422, p3424, p3425, p3555 as well as p3614, and the controller is re-calculated. The line inductance identification is then repeated, if p3415[1] > p3514[0]. If the inductance measured the second time is lower, the parameters are written to the current controller adaptation (p3620, p3622).. All of the parameters for the infeed module are then automatically stored in a non-volatile memory. The infeed continues to operate without any interruption with the new controller parameters.
For p3410 = 5, the same measurements and write operations are always carried out as for p3410 = 4. However, for
the first identification run, initially the controller setting is reset by setting p3421 = p0223 + p0225, p3424 = p0225, p3422 = p0227 and p3425[.] = 100 %. Further, before the measurements are carried out, a brief identification run is
executed to coarsely set the controller.
p3410 is automatically set to 0 after an identification run has been completed.