提示:the send buffer is full because the date cannot be sent in an adequately short time or
because the io controller is not responding within the handshake monitoring (time limit parameter for profinet io the interface
part of the connections dialog)
解决:reduce the trigger frequency or pocess the results faster change the update time in the profinet configuration. in addition to this.a high load on the network to which the reader is connected can block transfer of the date. if this is the case check your network connection. to be able to handle brief peak loads in the network.you can increase the buffer size in option/image acquisition.
哪里设置 MV440的缓存区或PROFINET 设置问题
(同一台设备 有四个MV440照相机 就这个有问题)
进入service登记 进入options菜单 image选项中的buffer size 原始值为5 改10个试试看